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The Caesar Of My Heart ๐Ÿ‘‘

 A Bundle of joy was given life on 25th May 2006 the bundle had soft fawn fur, a teeny Tiny black nose, Brown welcoming eyes, a cute Little snout, four paws and a tail that wagged nineteen to a dozen when the bundle of joy was exited. You might have guessed about whom am I talking about, a dog but a friend who loved me like no one would, made me happy, and cared for me.

His name was Caesar he was born 2 years before me so that made him elder to me, but ignoring the fact that he was elder to me I caller him Ceasu baby most of the times even several smaller cousins of mine calling him Ceasu baby. Eventually almost everyday he was given a new name by me or my mum, we gave him non sense names like Ceasy, Bosso, and Cea

when he was just 2 months old mum and dad made him feel like home at my Grandma's Home, everyone adored the cute little poochie which mum had named Caesar. He was first potty trained by my uncle after that he never ever peed inside the house like other ill mannered pups. after that my Gran, uncle, and mum continued teaching him fetch, paw(this was when he shook hands with the person nudging his right paw). 

When Caesar started teething (that's when he started loosing his milk teeth), he needed a proper chew toy, and that need was fulfilled my mum, no matter the numerous chew toys he was given he always came back to mum. by the time Caesar had grown all his permanent teeth, poor mum was marked with more than a hundred marks of Caesars tinny teeth. 

Caesar was also taught not to make a pleading puppy dog face when he wanted to have we were having but this habit was eventually broken by me by smuggling bits of food from my plate to Caesar's mouth. 

Caesar was a very well behaved extraordinary pooch he never bit, snarled or growled at anyone, even when anyone touched his food he never growled. Infact, he was soo silent no one would notice him following you around the house if it wasn't for his pants, huff and hair fall. he was soo friendly that mum said he would probably welcome a robber in a house with a lot of tail wagging!!, ohh but you should have seen him when someone tried to hurt me he would show his true colors to them may it be my mum who scolded me for my carelessness, or the security guard who scolded us for running down the stairs!!

Each Birthday Caesar would grow older. mum used to bake him a dog friendly cake every birthday we also celebrated his 11th birthday very festively I invited all the kids in my society who liked my gentle big brother Caesar. Caesar I guess enjoyed a lot for he was given a doggie cake and his favorite bone.

After that day, time allowed me and Caesar to spend only seven blissful months together. the next year Caesar Started keeping unwell he started growing weaker and weaker day by day. on 19 January Caesar Happily left all the pain and sorrow and peacefully trotted towards heaven. 

That's when I realized he had left me, left me forever. I cried a lot I cried my napkin to pulp that day. ohh what a bad day it was I thought then. but now I have grown old and mature and when I think rationally I am ok with it I am ok with it if Caesar is feeling better and happier I feel happy to think he is safe. 

but this is not the end Caesar is still there with me in my heart I write to him every day. and he still goes on The Caesar of my Heart ๐Ÿ‘‘❤


  1. I got goosebumps by those last words
    I could feel❤️❤️❤️

  2. You described your emotions so aptly Aashi that it really made me relive those moments.

  3. Very Well written Aashi. Really very happy to say, your post is very interesting to read. Keep it up :-)

  4. you just described your emotions soo beautifully that it makes the reader emotional! the beauty in your writing is next level! keep writing! well done !!

  5. Those words touched bottom of my heart . The way you described him and all things with those words i can feels your joy, pain, sorrow and the courage you have gathered without him.All I want to say is those words are being like this piece of was beautiful.

  6. I see your love towards your dog , it full there is no place empty . Hope he is always blessed .
    Very well written... Keep it up

  7. Your words touched bottom of my heart. Great work Aashi

  8. I can feel the love for Caesar you have.... It is truly the best dog ever... I remember the memories had with him. Including the celebration of his birthday....


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